135 W Central Rd. Suite 204
Schaumburg, IL 60195


Device Eliminates Need for Cumbersome Wires and Cables

SCHAUMBURG, Ill–Air2Zed is a groundbreaking new technology that is poised to revolutionize one’s imaging workflow. This patent-pending innovation is designed to streamline operations by converting USB intraoral x-ray sensors to wireless. The Air2Zed technology eliminates the need for cumbersome wires and cables, streamlining the x-ray process and freeing up valuable space in the treatment room. This wireless capability also means that practices can save money in the long term on repair and replacement costs for their sensors, which become damaged or worn out over time.

One of the most significant benefits of Air2Zed is the amount of time it can save dental assistants and hygienists. Because the technology allows for one sensor to be used in multiple rooms, there’s no need to unplug and replug the device each time a patient is moved. This means that dental assistants and hygien-ists can spend more time focused on patient care rather than being bogged down with frequent equipment setup. For more information, visit air2zed.com.

Dentistry Today